Love thy neighbor, as Christ loves you!
This store was founded on the idea of having apparel that displayed our love for Christ through illustration. Which later manifested the idea of helping the less fortunate. Which gave birth to many more acts of kindness. Our goal is to use the earnings of whatever revenue is generated and put it right back into the communities and families that need that little nod of assurance that everything is going to work out.

When God Blesses you with talent
These painting were the result of me listening to God. I already had it in my heart that I wanted to make T-shirts with biblical content I just didn't know how I was going to do it.
On my way to work one day I came across this young man by the name of Joel, who was painting Disney characters on the corner of Knott and Katella Ave. While at this stop light I ask the artist how much for a painting, his reply. "Whatever you can spare, I just want to grab some food." I ask him if he could paint anything and he said yes! I told Joel I would be back with some sketches that I would like to have him paint for me. Days go by and as faith would have it. One late night, as I am driving home, I see Joel on that same corner, painting away. I rushed home grabbed my sketches and proposed to Joel with a faithful gesture. I took all the cash I had in my pocket and handed Joel my sketches. I told Joel, I would pay him $20 per painting once completed. Joel agreed and was completely blown away by what I had just handed him. In turn Joel asked for my phone number, which was shocking to me because Joel is homeless. Reluctantly, I gave Joel my number not knowing if I would ever hear from him again. Weeks pass by, and by this time the world is in the middle of a pandemic. Late one Sunday afternoon I get a call from an unknown number, the caller identified himself as Joel and he was informing me that my painting were complete. I rushed over to the meeting place in the Cypress shopping center and to my amazement there was Joel applying the finishing touches to the art above. Joel asked me what the painting were for, and I shared with him my idea to help the less fortunate by the means of converting these drawing into to T-shirts. In that moment we both just took a beat to acknowledge what was taking place.
The take away for me is that you never know how God is going to use you, or your talents. To me, God gave me affirmation to proceed with this idea and to make it a reality. The Trust God painting was from Joel who said he was inspired by what I wanted to do.
-Trent Dennis

When opportunity meets preparation.
Joel was working, not looking for a handout, despite his circumstances.

I met Brian at in Target. This young man was busy working, going about his day stocking shelves and practically speaking to everyone who walked by. Now Brian isn't your typical stock boy. I mean Brian is tatted, he has tattoos everywhere. His exterior screams gang life. But the one thing the screams louder is his love for Jesus. I was taken back about his enthusiasm for the Lord. He was so thankful to be working its infectious. One day Brain and I were talking and he was sharing his testimony and I was sharing mine. In that moment I knew I wanted to gift him one of my hoodies. I asked Brian if it was ok if I gifted him something and he agreed. About and hour later I returned in the pouring rain with my small gift. Right after I gave Brian the hoodie he shared with me that he rode the first bike he ever had that wasn't stolen to work that day. Here's the kicker, he didn't have a jacket to wear and would have been soaked and wet riding his bike home in the rain. Over time Brian and I have remained in contact weekly he would send over poems like what's written above. With Brian's permission I am going to post a little reminder of when God is at work anything is possible.